Great Wolf Lodge

On Spring break my family went to Great Wolf Lodge.
When I was younger I thought Great Wolf Lodge was only a big hotel.Now I know what it really is. It is a big water park and a hotel! The water park is located in Washington State. This water park is so famous because  you cannot just pay and go in to the pool, you have to stay there for at least one night.I still have to tell you how my trip went so sit back and relax. My family lived in the United states of America Portland Oregon. The ride was 100 miles away from Portland Oregon.

 When we got there this is what we saw:


It was huge in there! My dad said we were really lucky our hotel room was ready before the schedule. When we went to the water park we tried out the water slide. It really was different.  The water park was very fun because there were big water slides, a plastic beaver, a plastic snake and a plastic lily pad. I liked the water slide because it was big enough to hold 4 people at a time! It was very fun on the plastic beaver because: it was big and slick, and kids started to play a game where you try to pull other kids off the beaver. I was fighting teenagers! The snake I have to say is also very fun, I tried to go down backwards into the water and I succeeded!



When we were eating dinner my dad found a dessert that said “Who wants a family ice cream Sunday? It has ice cream, brownie, cookies and chocolate.”

When we were full we went to a glow in the dark golf. I had a a great time until the last one. I hit my ball into the last course but I missed the hole but the ball did not came out. Then I looked at the course and there was a hole at the bottom. I knew what happened. It was where the employees get the balls back.


After that we went back to our hotel room and went to sleep…

Day 2 was our last day at great wolf lodge. The whole day my we stayed in the pool until 4 pm. We did not want to leave but we had to and I was a little home sick so we left.

The card board challenge

At my class we are doing some card board challenges.

We were inspired  by a kid named Caine.

Caine’s Arcade .

We started to build one of our own arcade.


This is my game.

It is 6 foot long, 4 feet wide. My class also made some.

They are a lot smaller than my game. My game is also 2 games, because there is one game called Throw Ball.

The other one is called Rollar Ball. ( It is not spelled correctly.)



I do TeakwonDo.

I have also signed up for Sparring.

I like Sparring because I like to kick and punch.

At Sparring I kick ad punch people, but only occasionally

 people get hurt because we wear a Sparring suit.

This is a picture of my Sparring suit:


This is what the dojang looks like:

Lucas belt testing

Lucas TKDThis is a picture of me getting a trophy when I am orange belt. I am brown belt.  TeakwonDo makes you a better person, defend yourself and it makes you stronger in the mind and body.